some are simply being reactionary to the false and/or insulting things "believers" say.
or it could be reactionary to constantly seeing the very same arguments over and over and over and over and over for legislation that strips people of their civil rights based on things that are obviously and factually incorrect and could easily be corrected with a little investigation into science and math.
which then leads to the same arguments over and over andover and over and over again having to explain why they are wrong about science
but of course, it's impossible to debate someone who isn't willing to take the time to at least try to understand the overwhelming mountain of evidence in front of them as to why they are wrong. evidence which they can touch, see, smell, etc..which is very different from the "proof" that believers hold up which essentially consists of, "well it feels right to me"
so to sum it up:
- there are believers who vote to legislate out basic civil rights for whole groups of people...
- based on beliefs
- many of which are easily proven false with either a quick google search or some studying in tangible things
- but we can't even get to that because
- we keep having intellectually dishonest debates as to why we should even trust science in the first place.
- and that simply sets back the next generation because we have to teach "the controversy" or mention creationism in science classes and that sends very mixed messages when the first thing we teach is the scientific methods which require hard data
that is frustrating. it's not the "belief" (not most of them anyway, many tend to be benign, it's the harmful stuff based on bronze age myths that's easily proven false that we can't get to an understanding over because of the intellectual dishonesty.
every single one of the nonbelievers here who are "scorning" believers here have been in your very spot. you don't think they didn't believe at once? some spent a lot of time and in some cases, quite a bit of money to LEARN scientific principles that then shaped their view of the universe based on very REAL things.
i know of chemical equilibrium and how very REAL it is because of those god awful titration experiments i had to do in gen chem 1
you guys want to throw out that science changes all the time as some sort of evidence, but we can't seem to get past the difference between a theory and a law.
you don't think an atheist doctor is going to "scorn" a jehovah's witness mother over forcing her child to lose it's life because of some moronic belief that GOD doesn't want anyone to take even lifesaving blood?
that was ALL of us and eventually, we all reasoned our way out of that cult based on mountains of very real and factual evidence, some of which is based on the very same evidence for why atheists no longer believe in god.
whether you take that next step in learning and applying those principles is up to the individual. so long as that individual isn't harming others by legislating/forcing others to abide by those beliefs, especially the HARMFUL ONES, then this whole thing is moot and i'd wager quite a few atheists wouldn't give a damn one way or the other if a believer believed in the flying spaghetti monster if we could at least agree on facts.